Monday 25 April 2011

First Post

Well, I haven't blogged in such a long long time. I'm so glad I finally decided to get down to doing this again. It was really great to blog, that is, when I used to blog. It was really therapeutic.

Why'd I stop? Well... I guess I got busy? Or perhaps you could even say that it was because I thought I'd found "the one" to pour my heart out to: our conversations were my blog posts and he was my only reader. Wasn't too bad, really. Except that he wasn't really "the one" and sometimes now, I find that I have no one to talk to. Gawsh... how pathetic does that sound!

Ah well, whether anyone ends up reading this or not, I guess sometimes just writing down your thoughts will make you feel all better. And perhaps after putting it out there, I'd stop being neurotic about these thoughts that keep swimming around my head and that blocks out the acquisition of new information (my excuse for my lack of concentration and incessant self-obsession).

So there ya have it, my reasons for starting this blog..!

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