Wednesday 6 July 2011

Say Something Sweet To Your Sweetheart

Here's an old song called Say Something Sweet To Your Sweetheart by The Inkspots. I imagine this is the type of song they would sing and play at those old piano bars where people dine in candlelight with their sweethearts.

"Say something sweet to your sweetheart
(Your sugar will be sweeter depends on how you treat her)
Tell her how much you care
(Take her in your arms and while you're thrilling to her charms, be sure to)
Say something sentimental, it won't cost a thing
(And before you know it)
You'll find what happiness a gentle word can bring

You can't hide those love words inside you
(Lock 'em up within ya and your love will be agin ya)
And still keep the one you adore
(Forever more)
So say something sweet to your sweetheart
And you'll be sweethearts forever more

Say something sweet to your sweetheart
(Roses are red, Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet, and so are you!)
Tell her how much you care
(Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
He never got any lovin' at all!)
Say something sentimental, it won't cost a thing
(Not a single cent)
You'll find what happiness a gentle word can bring

You can't hide those love words inside you
And still keep the one you adore
So say something sweet to your sweetheart~~~
And you'll be sweethearts forever more~~~
(Sweethearts, you and I)"

So... say something sweet to your sweetheart today. It could be anything! "You smell good." "You have beautiful eyes." "Thank you for the wonderful dinner." "You look really pretty in that dress." Anything at all! It'll brighten his/her day.

You don't want to end up wishing that you had.

P.S. Not sure if I got all the words of the lyrics right, I did the best I could though. Feel free to let me know if you notice anything wrong :]

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