Monday 22 August 2011


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Here's how our typical before-falling-asleep conversations went:

Me: Dear
Jack: Yes, Dear?
Me: Dear
Jack: Yes, Dear?
Me: Dear
Jack: Yes, Dear?

And then I snuggle up closer to him and fall asleep...

Thursday 14 July 2011

Skinny Genes

Sometimes I fake that I hate you and make up, So you wind up next to me.
Oh darn, I think that backfired D;

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Say Something Sweet To Your Sweetheart

Here's an old song called Say Something Sweet To Your Sweetheart by The Inkspots. I imagine this is the type of song they would sing and play at those old piano bars where people dine in candlelight with their sweethearts.

"Say something sweet to your sweetheart
(Your sugar will be sweeter depends on how you treat her)
Tell her how much you care
(Take her in your arms and while you're thrilling to her charms, be sure to)
Say something sentimental, it won't cost a thing
(And before you know it)
You'll find what happiness a gentle word can bring

You can't hide those love words inside you
(Lock 'em up within ya and your love will be agin ya)
And still keep the one you adore
(Forever more)
So say something sweet to your sweetheart
And you'll be sweethearts forever more

Say something sweet to your sweetheart
(Roses are red, Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet, and so are you!)
Tell her how much you care
(Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
He never got any lovin' at all!)
Say something sentimental, it won't cost a thing
(Not a single cent)
You'll find what happiness a gentle word can bring

You can't hide those love words inside you
And still keep the one you adore
So say something sweet to your sweetheart~~~
And you'll be sweethearts forever more~~~
(Sweethearts, you and I)"

So... say something sweet to your sweetheart today. It could be anything! "You smell good." "You have beautiful eyes." "Thank you for the wonderful dinner." "You look really pretty in that dress." Anything at all! It'll brighten his/her day.

You don't want to end up wishing that you had.

P.S. Not sure if I got all the words of the lyrics right, I did the best I could though. Feel free to let me know if you notice anything wrong :]

Saturday 2 July 2011

Lists and A Fond Memory

My best friend recently introduced me to an awesome new webbie, called It's basically a site where you can make lists. It's so cool because I do keep lists... In fact, I have a book of lists: list of books I want to collect in the long term, list of movies I want to own, list of furniture I'd like for my future house... More importantly, I have a list of all the things I love about my ex as well as, err... embarrassingly, a list of some guys that I've had crushes on. Well, I guess I could say it's these lists that are the entire inspiration for this blog. I wanted to have a place to expand on the stories that some of the points in my list represent. I mean, the points on the list don't exactly tell the entire story... they just sort of act as retrieval cues for those memories that I wish to keep forever. I guess you could say that I'm sorta afraid I would forget these beautiful memories... Hmmmm, come to think about it, I often fear I may never make such beautiful memories again. So it's good to sometimes remind myself that I once experienced such wonderful times in my life...? Sigh...

Anyhow, I will soon make an account on listography and transfer my lists in my book into So, you can look out for that! Well, today, without looking at my book, I was just pondering, off-hand, some of the things that I loved about my ex. Two things came to mind.

The first one. I loved how he always put most of his beansprouts in his noodle soup into my noodle soup whenever we went to Asian restaurants for noodle soup. He did it ever since I once told him how much I loved eating beansprouts. I think I should add that he too loves beansprouts in his noodle soup... and that's enough said.

The second one. We were lying in bed one night, talking, before we finally drifted off to sleep... I was gushing  about how I was having a sudden craving for the wanton suppe that they sell in my hometown. (This was during the time when we were both studying and staying in the hostel of our school in Switzerland... It was where we met.) Fast forward to two weeks later... I was hanging out in my friend's room - Rosie's room. Some of us girls from my class were having a mini party because it was Rosie's birthday. We were chatting, having some cake, playing with balloons, sitting on her bed, drinking some red wine when suddenly, there was a knock on the door...

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When they opened the door, it was Jack! He had a serious look on his face and he was looking for me. My face was slightly flushed from the red wine. "Ohhhh, you're in trouble Jenny!!" the whole room cheered teasingly as I went with him (We were still a fairly new couple at the time). When I was out, he said quietly, "You drank." It sounded more like a statement than a question. "Err.. yeah. Just a little. Just to celebrate Rosie's birthday, you know." Then, he looked at me, still with that serious-looking face and said, "Come with me." Then he held my hand and walked me to where he wanted to bring me. On our way, he suddenly asked, "Are you hungry?" "Not really," I replied. It seemed his face became a bit more serious that it already was. He did this thing with his lips that he always does - it's a little hard to describe, it all happens really fast... he sorta bites his bottom lip and slides his bottom lip from right to left... ah, nevermind.

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We reached the recreation lounge - a place in the school with plenty of tables and chairs, a pool table and a vending machine. A bunch of his friends were seated round a table, actually, two tables... there were quite a few of them so they had to join two tables together and pull up the chairs from the other tables to gather round. Seems like they were having a mini party of their own. Two big pots were set on the table and they were all happily eating out of the bowls in their hands. Everyone smiled as they saw us approach. I felt so shy meeting all his friends... of course I'd seen them around school, and we'd hung out before too... but it just felt so weird at that moment... him bringing me into their little party. It almost felt like I was intruding, somehow.

"Come eat!" one of his friends started ladling the contents of one of the pots into a bowl for me. No prizes for guessing right, it was... wanton soup! It turns out that Jack had kept in mind that I had a craving for wanton suppe so that afternoon, he'd suggested to his friends to cook something that day, in particular, wanton soup. The other pot contained green bean soup, another one of my favourites. He and his friends had spent the entire afternoon and evening buying all the ingredients and preparing and cooking the food in the students' kitchen.

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Frankly, I'd almost forgotten all about my prattle those nights before. Later that night, while we were once again lying in bed, talking, he told me why they'd cooked that night... because they never did cook, you see. Then I remembered and when I realised, I was soooo touched! My heart was leaping with happiness. I think I also figured out the reason for his serious-looking face: he was worried that after eating and drinking at Rosie's mini birthday party, I wouldn't have any more appetite for the wanton soup he and his friends had prepared (for me - even though his friends didn't exactly know that! Haha!)... which was true in a sense, but I'd made myself to eat as much as I could anyway. But in retrospect, he always had a very serious face whenever he was going to surprise me. I think it's his way of covering up his embarrassment... how cute is that, isn't it? :D

I'll leave you with this song (I feel like a DJ) that I'm currently addicted to... I've been unable to stop nanana-ing the tune even at the dinner table. Yes, while eating... My mom, was surprisingly, not irritated. Perhaps I sing well! Nah, I'm just kidding... I think she's just used to my irritating her.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

It's funny...

It's funny how we're sometimes addicted to depression. When we hear a song, when we watch a movie, when we read a book, when we go to a certain place, when a particular image comes to mind...

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Or is it just me...?

Monday 27 June 2011

It was real, wasn't it?

You and me... such a long time ago... just a couple of kids. We really loved each other, didn't we?
-Allie Hamilton in The Notebook
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Tuesday 24 May 2011

By Myself

An inspiration for singletons, like me. A song called อยู่คนเดียว (By Myself) by เบิร์ด ธงไชย (Bird Thongchai).

"I am by myself in the evening
And I don't see why I would need someone beside me
I am alone with the loneliness
I sit and watch the fading sunset as the sun disappears
I stare off and watch as the moon rises
When it's late like this, the best friend that I have is my side pillow
I'll be lonely like a person who has let go of everything
I've been like this for so long that I'm used to it

Those that don't know keep asking why I don't look for someone
One person
who understands
and whose love is real
Everything that has occurred is too much
looks kind
looks sincere
Well, I'm willing to meet them
But, no no no..

It's because when I love, my love is real
It becomes unbearable when you break up with me
I'll love someone a lot, so then I end up regretting it
It pains my heart, even telling someone doesn't help
Because I choose to love, I cause my own pain
So I'll continue to be someone who doesn't have a lover
I'd find someone else instead, but I'm scared it will just be a repeat
Because nowadays people are cruel
So they go out with each other as if its all just fun and games
So I'm always getting hurt
So I have to be by myself

Those that don't know keep asking why I don't look for someone
One person
who understands
and whose love is real
Everything that has occurred is too much
looks kind
looks sincere
Well, I'm willing to meet them
But, no no no..

It's because when I love, my love is real
It becomes unbearable when you break up with me
I'll love someone a lot, so then I end up regretting it
It pains my heart, even telling someone doesn't help
Because I choose to love, I cause my own pain
So I'll continue to be someone who doesn't have someone to love
I'd find someone else instead, but I'm scared it will just be a repeat
Because nowadays people are cruel
So they go out with each other as if its just all fun and games
So I'm always getting hurt
So I have to be by myself

It's because when I love, my love is real
It becomes unbearable when you break up with me
I'll love someone a lot, so then I end up regretting it
It pains my heart, even telling someone doesn't help
Because I choose to love, I cause my own pain
So I'll continue to be someone who doesn't have someone to love

I'd find someone else instead, but I'm scared it will just be a repeat
Because nowadays people are cruel
So they go out with each other as if its just all fun and games
So I'm always getting hurt
So I have to be by myself"

Ahhh... What a lie. As much as I wish I enjoyed being a singleton, I miss being with someone..