Friday 20 May 2011

Angrily Happy

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He had just returned from a weekend trip. It was the first time we were meeting since his trip. We were at his place, in his room.

I can't remember what exactly we were talking about... But I remember feeling somewhat disappointed and a little, little bit angry. And then, to make things worse, he said something like, then you can go (leave) now. "No!" I replied indignantly. "Okay, fine, then I'll go," he said. I got pretty upset at this point. You see, we had just gotten together not too long ago... and perhaps this was still the period where you're still learning about each other, and maybe one tends to be more expectant of the other during this time. I mean, I'd really miss him when he was away during the weekend. I'd thought, maybe, he'd be more excited to see me..? And maybe, sweeter than usual 'cos he'd missed me too...?

Anyhow, he really left the room. I think I was about to cry...

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He suddenly reappeared with a bouquet of flowers in his hand - he had actually gone out of the room to take the flowers he had bought for me. I was dumbfounded as I had not expect such a gesture, at all. You see, he had gone away to attend an interview/give an audition for this internship he had applied for, so I hadn't expected him to get anything for me, or rather, I didn't think he would even had the time to buy anything for me. Afterall, it was a very short trip. Secondly, after purposely making me 'angry', I hadn't expected that it was his prelude to presenting me with his present. Anyhow, the flowers were beautiful. Three roses, one red, one white and one yellow, amidst a spray of many other small flowers.

"Thank you, dearrrr..." I said shyly. I had instantly regretted getting mad. I mean, well, I hadn't actually showed that I was mad, but I felt bad for feeling it anyway. He looked at me knowingly, "You were mad just then, weren't you?" he probed cheekily, his eyes smiling (Awww... how I love that cheeky, eye-smiling look of his -gushing dreamily-). "No, I wasn't!" I insisted.

Then his expression turned a little guilty and crestfallen. "I'm sorry dear," he professed. "They didn't have green (roses)." Haha.. yeah, well, my favourite colour is green. So I guess he wanted to buy the flowers in green, but there wasn't any. So that was why he had gotten the roses in all the colours the shop had available... Aww! But of course that didn't matter to me one bit. I was already very contented :D

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Jack then went on to confessed what he had been feeling before getting me the flowers: At the time, his really good friend had liked my best friend as well, and had gotten her flowers in his bid to woo her. On the other hand, Jack had never given me any flowers or presents prior to getting together or even prior to that day... not that it really mattered to me. I was happy enough that he'd liked me back and more than that, I was ecstatic at having my very first boyfriend. But he was worried about falling short to his friend, and feared that I'd compare him to his friend and wonder why he had not given me flowers when trying to woo me as well. Jack said, when his friend had presented the flowers to my best friend, he felt pressured and wanted to prove himself to me as well.

I was really really touched that day. Not just because of the beautiful bouquet of roses he'd gotten for me, but also because he had been so thoughtful about my feelings. It was just so... very very sweet >.<

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