Thursday 5 May 2011

Tribute to Unforgettable Crying Scenes

Here are two of my absolute top favourite romantic comedies.

Perhaps I should warn you: SPOILER ALERT!!!

The first is a Korean movie. It's called Windstruck.


I've watched this show 12 times. Each and every time, I never fail to bawl my eyes out like a little baby, especially at this part. The girl was ruthlessly funny in the beginning, that when she breaks down like that, your heart just breaks for her as well.

The second is a Thai movie, entitled Hello Stranger. 

This show is soon in the running against Windstruck to top my list of most-viewed movie, although it still currently ranks third or fourth (with a total of 5 views). This show was hilarious - my friend and I were rocking our chairs in the cinema. But the above has to be one of my favourite parts of the movie... I love seeing him get all riled up when he couldn't find her and then his love confession made me tear up... a lot. I especially loved the ending of the movie too.

All in all, both of these shows made me laugh and cry. And as you can probably already guess: YES, I am a sucker for these type of tear-jerkers. Which explains why the more tears a movie "jerks", the higher in my favourite movies it is listed.

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