Wednesday 4 May 2011

Yearning A Romance

Ever since I broke up with my ex-boyfriend, I haven't seem to be able to like someone. I mean, yeahhh I've been interested in 1 or 2 guys here and there... I get really excited when I talk to them. And then that's that. Nothing happens. I didn't really like them that much. I mean, I wasn't exactly crazy about them. Yeah well, I guess it's also because I kinda ended up knowing they weren't interested at all. So it's probably just my defense mechanism kicking in, rationalising that I wasn't even that interested anyway.

"No, I'm really not the least bit interested." "Yeh, right!"

Sometimes I do question what love is, or what like is anymore. I don't know how to classify what I am feeling! It's a little infuriating sometimes. I'd just rather block out all feelings because I don't want to feel stupid liking a guy who doesn't like me back. So I guess I just say I wasn't interested in them in the first place.

Well, now, the thing is, I think I'm kinda in like with this one guy. Like I said, I'm not even sure anymore... what it is that I'm feeling. But I keep thinking about him... I keep imagining what it would like to be with him. What's more stupid is, I've only met him a few times. And we don't really talk either. I mean, we did chat a little... laughed at a few jokes and we were doing that whole looking-at-each-other-and-smiling-like-we-had-a-shared-secret thing. But nowadays, who knows, right? One day the guy flirts with me, and the next, I get news that he just got together with someone or he already has a girlfriend. Now, that's when I feel really stupid about myself.

Oh please oh please... I want a guy to look at me like that.

Anyway, I just feel like I want to stop thinking about him. Because obviously, like all the others, it's not going to go anywhere. He hasn't made any other move other than what I presume to be flirting... one day I'm just going to find out that he's just got together with some other girl and that he's already with someone. Just like the rest.

Yes, go on, friends-of-his, tell him to call me!

But just the other day, a bunch of us (we've got some common friends) decided to go to the next town and hang out. Well, mostly, him and me, we'd been wanting to do that. That is, we had been trying to get the whole bunch to go to the next town to hang out. But it didn't happen because we were always lacking car space. Then, just the other day, we finally had enough car space and so we all went in two cars to the next town. Because him and me weren't exactly close friends, people didn't expect us to, err, be in the same car... so we got split up. But I caught him saying several times, "it's okay, I could go in the other car," while his friend insisted there was enough space in his car and that he needn't go in the car I was going to be in (damn you, friend-of-his!). Does that mean anything? Was he wanting to ride in the same car as me? Or was this just a figment of my imagination again, conjured up by some deep dark desire within me...?

Why is everyone else around me getting married? While I'm still single! WHY?!
"I like you."
That's right, girl! Tell 'im you like him!
"I'm seriously considering getting into a relationship with you."
I would love for a guy to make me a period mix during the time of the month
(Yeah! That's right! A period mix!)...
... and make soup for me and feed it to me while I lay crampy in bed.
Now, now, guys... There's no excuse even when the girl says she doesn't
want flowers. Rules are made for bending.

source of 'No Strings Attached' stills:

NB: Most of my captions are rubbish and just-for-fun. But the movie was great! I love Ashton Kutcher! And I think Natalie Portman is beautiful and that she's a great actress - loved her in Black Swan.

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