Thursday 12 May 2011

Here's a rose, I missed you.

It was once again the time of the week that I could see my deariest. I am referring to Jack, my boyfriend at the time.

He was so eager to see me because he had been dying to tell me something...

"The other day I saw a little family reunion going on at the train station. It looked like the mother had just returned from a trip. She walked towards her husband and son, who was holding a single rose in his hand. When she reached them, she embraced her little 'un tightly and kissed him. Then, he proudly presented her with the rose," he said. "One day, after one of your travels, Jack Jr. and I will welcome your return with a single rose as well."

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I remember the warmth that filled my heart upon listening to his recount. I was so sure then that we were going to be married, that were going to be that happy family picture he had just painted.

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Now, I'm tearing up as I recall how much he had loved me, and how excited he was in starting a family with me. The look in his eyes as he told me such a sweet little story...

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Sometimes, it's still hard to swallow how things have changed so drastically.

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